Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's love go to do with it?

Jesus said it this way, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.  John 13:35 

I think it would be safe to say that, "By this shall all men know that ye are not my disciples, if ye have not love one to another."

Obviously the words I have bolded, Italics or underlined are the words that stick out to me.  However, let's start with the word know.  In my own words, to know something means, "to have knowledge of the truth".  So, if someone knows that I am a disciple in the way that I love others; I think it's safe to say that they have knowledge of the truth that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ

Now, let's say it another way.  Would someone say that they have knowledge of the truth that I am not a disciple of Jesus Christ, because I have not love for others?

Think on this for a few minutes with me.  Who do you not have love for?  Maybe it would be a good idea if we did a study on "love" after we thought about this and then went back and asked the question again.  1 Corinthians 13 would be a good start!  Chairty is an active love.  But that's another post. ;)

Let's talk about "love one to another".  I'm prone to think like this, so I am going to assume that others might feel the same way.  When I read this verse I immediately want to think of myself as a disciple of Jesus Chirst.  Immediately I justify myself by saying to myself, "Who do I love..?".  I love my husband, my daughter, all of our other family... I love my friend so and so and so and so...". 

While I think that is good, I have to consider the "so and so's" that I may not love. (See 1 Corinthians 13)

Jesus said, "love one to another", not love for certain people.  I truly believe from this verse I can know (have knowlede of the truth) that I am to have love for everyone if I am His disciple.

Jesus also said this, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever should believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)  If He can love me this way, how can I not love everyone also? 

Romans 5:8 says it this way, "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."   Are you getting what I'm getting here???  God commedeth his love toward Savannah, in that while Savannah was yet a sinner, Christ died for Savannah.  Go ahead, put your name in.  It's a very humbling thought isn't it?

It's like a spiritual puzzle and all we have to do to enjoy it is put the pieces together.  We can never enjoy a puzzle while it sits in the box or if we lose some of the pieces.  Right here in my Bible I have ALL the pieces; praise God!  What makes this puzzle different than all other puzzles is that it's beautiful even before it's finished.  You can study God's Word little by little everyday and still enjoy it.  But then again, maybe "it is finished"! ;)

I am enjoying this study on LOVE so much!!  I just can't type the joy that I am feeling in my heart as I see how the puzzle comes together of God's amazing love for us... and I've only studied about 4 verses on love so far! :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Servant's Faith

I always enjoy the story of Isaac and Rebekah.  Today however, I enjoyed the story of Abraham and his servant!  Genesis 24

The story goes something like this... Abraham wants a wife for his son.  He instructs his servant to go out and find her and bring her back to Isaac to marry.  The servant is perhaps a little aprehensive when he says, "Peradventure the woman will not be willing to follow me unto this land..." Gen 24:5.  In other words, "Perhaps she doesn't want to come back with me and marry Isaac?".  Abraham encourages the servant that the Lord his God will send his angel to go before him....And thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence." Gen 24:7

How do I apply this to my life I asked myself?

When I read about servants and masters in scripture, I picture employees and employers. I don't work outside the home anymore; however,  I am to follow my husband's lead, as a servant would to his master.

For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.  Ephesians 5:23 

Often times we don't understand just exactly what our "master's" vision is or how it's going to work out.  "Peradventure, I listen to my husband's advice and things don't go as I would like for them to?" :) 

I think one of the lessons we can learn from this story is, Isaac get's the girl!  The servant obeyed his master even if he wasn't so sure of the outcome.  Rebekah is more than willing to go with the servant back to marry Isaac.  In fact, when she saw Isaac  she "lit off her camel"! Gen 24:64  All things worked out for good.  The servant obeyed and God rewarded him for his obedience.

Even more so, I believe this applies to our obedience to the Lord, Jesus Christ.  He is our master and we are His servants.  We don't always understand His direction or the circumstances He has allowed in our lives or direction but we can be sure that without faith, it is impossible please Him. Hebrews 11:6

When I read the story of Abraham's servant I see great faith!  Like Noah, "being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house". Heb 11:7  Like Abraham, who offered up his son Isaac. Heb 11:17 

Hebrews chapter 11 gives us many examples of faith through out history and things that would not have been able to come to pass if it were not for faith: the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1

Abraham's servant sought wise counsel from Abraham, just as any employee would be wise to seek advice from his employer.  After being given instruction he did ask some questions.  I wise servant seeks the wisdom from his master. 

We are having a Bible study on the book of James right now.  This past Sunday we covered verses 5-11.  James 1:5&6 says this, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering."
Which brings me back to Genesis 23:12-14.  The servant calls out the Lord for help.  In verse 15 the Lord answers his prayer and the damsel Rebekah appears.  Just as Abraham had told his servant, she offered he and his camels water.  Just as the wise master had said she would do... oh that we would just believe what God says?!  Faith

Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as men pleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;... Colossians 3:22&23

Abraham and his servant.  What a picture of God's blessings of our faith and obedience to the leaders in our lives and especially our most high leader, Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I am just so amazed at how incredibly interesting my daily reading is right now! Genesis 4-8 was today's chapters. Please read it for yourself today or soon. 

Eve bares a son, Abel.  Then she bares his brother Cain. Eve's first pregnancy was twins!  Ever asked someone the question, do twins run in your family?! ;-)

Then, Cain kills his only brother... the only other son to the first people of the world... just an amazing thought... and I know we use the term "amazing" very flipantly these days but I mean it when I say I am amazed at this... Adam and Eve have 2 sons and one of them kills the other.  What was going on in these parents minds?  These days we say, "I can't believe what this world is coming to..." When in reality, terrible things happened from the very beginning! 

Then Adam, the first man lives to be oh... 930 years old!  Do you think he was tired at all??  Bored??  Just enjoying life... arthritis?  Just some thoughts...

The there is Noah.  God says, "Build an ark Noah.  Go and get a lot of animals, male and female and load them up with your family.  I'm going to flood the whole earth.".  Noah says "Ok".
Just can't imagine how smart he must have been to be able to go out and build an ark.  I can't imagine how skilled he must have been to be able to go out, find those animals, make sure they were the right animals and bring them on board...  I really can't imagine his faith!! Can you?!

Then, can you invision, being on a boat with YOUR whole family while the WHOLE rest of the living creatures and man flooded on earth?  He must have been so humbled and thankful.  Scared and amazed!  I have no idea how he really felt but I've tried putting myself on that ark with my family and it brings butterflies to my stomach.  It warms my heart and makes me cringe all at the same time.  It makes me want to live in a way that pleases the Lord, that's for sure! ;-)

Cute picture!  Not to say that I am oppose to the cartoon look of Bible stories but it does make me think...  Does this picture give any justice to the serious, amazing and REAL event that took place?  I want to share these events with Analiese in a way that she understands that God's Word is incredible AND it's true.

What an amazing God we serve... literally amazing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Kevin has gone to Kitwe to help Damon and Lisa Matacchiera move their family to CHIPATA!  Praise the Lord, they will be here July 29th. They have two daughters, Felecia 5 and Natalie 2 and one baby boy, Joey 4 months.  It's going to be great having them here!

A couple of gals from Lusaka, Amy and Katie were teaching children in a nearby town this weekend.  They had already asked if they could stay with us Sunday night after the seminar.  I asked if they would mind staying Monday night as well to keep Analiese and I company... they agreed!  It was wonderful having people in the house last night... I am not afraid of being here by myself, it's just a weird feeling to be all alone in a big house for the first time.  Well, tonight is going to be interesting though!  We will be here by ourself tonight.  However, I have invited a friend, Marion and her daughter Sarah (9 yrs old) over for supper. Marion is from Zimbabwe but married a man from South Africa.  They live, work and own a nearby guesthouse.  Analiese and Sarah just adore each other.  It will be a lot of fun to have them over for a girl's night!

I think the main reason for my writing this post was to say that the Lord has blessed us abundantly with new friends here in Zambia.  He does hear and answer our prayers of "loneliness".  Although we say we are homesick from time to time, that doesn't mean we have been forsaken or forgotten by the Lord.
If you will notice I have mentioned 3 different people/friendships in this one post!  And it's just a thought for this week alone.

We miss you all back "home" and look forward to the day that we can spend time with you.  No one can replace our family and friends in the States.  However, we really can't complain!  God is good!

Zooming in!

Some say I should journal...
Some ask for prayer requests...
Sometimes Analiese does something cute..
Sometimes my husband does something wonderful! 
Some people really make a difference in our lives...
Sometimes I want to share what I've learned in my daily Bible reading...
Some times we get homesick...

I'm often asked, what do you do when you get home sick?  Lately, I've said facebook, email, skype or talk on the phone.  Kevin and I always talk about things when one of us is homesick.  It really helps to have a caring husband but we agree that some time with other family and friends back home would be nice from time to time.

I think this blog would be a good medicine!  I'm hoping I can chat and you can chat back with me... just as if we were out to lunch or I was in your livingroom.

When you live around your family and friends you're able to discuss these things weekly if not daily.  If you know me, you know that I am a bit social. :)  I would like to use this blog to help you Zoom in on our life in Zambia!  Kevin has a blog of course, but it's primary focus is our ministry.  Analiese has a blog but it's primary focus is her. I'd like to blog with the focus of our life in Zambia and yours in America!

Let's chat! ;-)