Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Zooming in!

Some say I should journal...
Some ask for prayer requests...
Sometimes Analiese does something cute..
Sometimes my husband does something wonderful! 
Some people really make a difference in our lives...
Sometimes I want to share what I've learned in my daily Bible reading...
Some times we get homesick...

I'm often asked, what do you do when you get home sick?  Lately, I've said facebook, email, skype or talk on the phone.  Kevin and I always talk about things when one of us is homesick.  It really helps to have a caring husband but we agree that some time with other family and friends back home would be nice from time to time.

I think this blog would be a good medicine!  I'm hoping I can chat and you can chat back with me... just as if we were out to lunch or I was in your livingroom.

When you live around your family and friends you're able to discuss these things weekly if not daily.  If you know me, you know that I am a bit social. :)  I would like to use this blog to help you Zoom in on our life in Zambia!  Kevin has a blog of course, but it's primary focus is our ministry.  Analiese has a blog but it's primary focus is her. I'd like to blog with the focus of our life in Zambia and yours in America!

Let's chat! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. This should be fun to read what others say. I would like to encourage everyone to Skype you guys on a regular basis. Now that you have a better internet connection it makes it so much fun. It is easy: Google Skype and download it for free. Add spestke@gmail.com to your contacts. Send Savannah an e-mail or facebook message that you would like to Skype at a certain time. Open up Skype on your computer. Then simply press Video Call at the top of your Skype page. The connection has been great as of late - Analiese loves to interact on Skype. Give it a try - you WILL BE HOOKED! So...do you want to Skype?
